Slipstreaming SQL Server 2008 / 2008 R2 service packs


Here’s a little batch script to automatically integrate a service pack into your SQL Server RTM files.
It has been tested with SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

Please note that the latest service packs (Service Pack 4 for SQL Server 2008 and Service Pack 3 for SQL Server 2008 R2) do not include Itanium releases and will throw up some errors.

<pre class="lang:batch decode:true " title="SQL Server Service Pack integration">:: SQL Server 2008 Adding Service Packs in %2 to a RTM distribution in %1
:: DJ - 13.07.10 - 1.0 - Tested w/ SP1
:: DJ - 04.01.11 - 1.1 - Tested w/ SP2
@echo off
if "%2"=="" goto :usage
set mediacopy=%1
set temppcu=%mediacopy%\pcu
for %%i in (%2\*.exe) do (echo Extracting %%i to %temppcu% && %%i /x:%temppcu% /q )
for %%i in (setup.exe setup.rll) do (Echo copying %%i to %mediacopy% && robocopy %temppcu% %mediacopy% %%i)
for %%i in (x86 x64 ia64) do (Echo copying %%i to %mediacopy% && robocopy %temppcu%\%%i %mediacopy%\%%i /XF Microsoft.SQL.Chainer.PackageData.Dll)
for %%i in (x86 x64 ia64) do (
Echo creating/adding to defaultsetup.ini if necessary in %%i
if not exist %mediacopy%\%%i\defaultsetup.ini cmd /U /C echo [SQLSERVER2008]>%mediacopy%\%%i\defaultsetup.ini
cmd /U /C echo PCUSOURCE=".\PCU">>%mediacopy%\%%i\defaultsetup.ini
goto :eof
echo %~n0 SQLSource-Directory ServicePacks-Directory
echo SQLSource-Directory will be modified, so make a copy of the RTM distribution before applying this batch!